Dental emergencies happen.
Sporting events, while out to dinner, and accidents where you are hit in the mouth. When you have a dental emergency, in many cases, time is of the essence. Unfortunately, you will more than likely need emergency dental care at some point in your life. If not you, a loved one will have a dental emergency and, like any emergency, quick care is needed.
We offer emergency dental services during office hours and after-hours.
We understand that when you have a dental emergency, it’s not always during the most convenient time for anyone. If you need emergency dental care, call us immediately at 507-895-6770. If you are calling for emergency dental services after-hours, you will be given a phone number to call for emergency dental care.
Don’t wait if you think something has happened to your mouth or teeth. Recovery from a dental emergency can be painful and can make matters worse if whatever happened isn’t corrected by a dentist.
Have a dental emergency?
Simply contact us via email, or call (507) 895-6770.